Module Oidc.SimpleClient

Simpler interface for creating a oidc client

type t = {
client : Client.t;
provider_uri : Uri.t;(*

The uri where we'll find the provider

redirect_uri : Uri.t;(*

The uri where the provider should return the user


Client with information needed to create calls

val make : ?secret:string -> ?response_types:string list -> ?grant_types:string list -> ?token_endpoint_auth_method:string -> redirect_uri:Uri.t -> provider_uri:Uri.t -> string -> t

Create a simple client, it creates a oidc client with some optional defaults.


  • response_types - ["code"]
  • grant_types - []
  • token_endpoint_auth_method - ["client_secret_post"]

URI builders

val discovery_uri : t -> Uri.t

Get the discovery_uri as specified in the OIDC spec

val make_auth_uri : ?scope:Scopes.t list -> ?claims:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?nonce:string -> state:string -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> Uri.t

Builds the uri used for redirecting the user to the provider

  • scope example input: ["openid"; "email"; "profile"]
  • nonce should be validated when the user comes back to make sure they were not hijacked
  • state will be returend by the provider and can be used to remember where to redirect the user after successful login

Request builders

type meth = [
| `GET
| `PUT
| `Other of string
type request_descr = {
body : string option;
headers : (string * string) list;
uri : Uri.t;
meth : meth;

Request description that can be used by a http client to make the needed call

val make_token_request : code:string -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> request_descr

Creates a request_descr for the token request

val make_userinfo_request : token:Token.Response.t -> discovery:Discover.t -> ( request_descr, [> Error.t ] ) Stdlib.result

Creates a request_descr for the userinfo request

val valid_token_of_string : ?clock_tolerance:int -> jwks:Jose.Jwks.t -> discovery:Discover.t -> t -> string -> ( Token.Response.t, [> `Msg of string | IDToken.validation_error ] ) Stdlib.result

Will parse the string and validate the token

clock_tolerance is used to allow a difference between the providers and clients clock

val valid_userinfo_of_string : token_response:Token.Response.t -> string -> ( string, [> `Missing_sub | `Sub_missmatch | `Msg of string ] ) Stdlib.result

Example - Google

This example is written as if your http client is synchronos since we don't have a Lwt or Async dependency in the core. For a more complete example look in the executable folder.

Server start

We have to do some things when the server starts to prepare

let secret = Sys.getenv "OIDC_SECRET"
let client_id = Sys.getenv "OIDC_CLIENT_ID"
let provider_uri = Uri.of_string ""
let redirect_uri = Uri.of_string "http://localhost:8080/auth/callback"

(* Create a client, it will create a oidc client
   under the hood and inherits parameters from there *)
let simple_client = Oidc.SimpleClient.make ~redirect_uri ~provider_uri ~secret client_id

let discovery =
  let uri = Oidc.SimpleClient.discovery_uri simple_client in
  let discovery_string = HttpClient.get uri in
  Oidc.Discover.of_string discovery_string

let jwks =
  let uri = discovery.jwks_uri in
  let jwks_string = HttpClient.get uri in
  Jose.Jwks.of_string jwks_string

Authenitcation route

When the user is supposed to login you create the URI and redirect the user to the provider.

let uri = Oidc.SimpleClient.make_auth_uri ~scope:[`OpenID; `Email; `Profile] ~state:"state" ~discovery client in
HttpServer.redirect uri

Callback route

When the user returns from the provider we have to fetch the tokens and do some validation and (optionally) get the userinfo.

let code = HttpServer.get_query "code" request in
let state = HttpServer.get_query "state" request in

let token_response =
  (* Get a request_descr *)
  let token_request = Oidc.SimpleClient.make_token_request ~code ~discovery client in
  HttpClient.request token_request
  |> Oidc.SimpleClient.valid_token_of_string ~jwks ~discovery client in

(* You don't need to get the userinfo, but it can be useful since the id_token doesn't have to include all the information *)
let userinfo =
  (* Get a request_descr *)
  let userinfo_request = Oidc.SimpleClient.make_userinfo_request ~token:validated_token ~discovery in
  HttpClient.request userinfo_request
  |> Oidc.Userinfo.validate ~jwt:token_response_id_token

match (validated_token, userinfo) with
| Ok tokens, Ok userinfo ->
  let id_token = tokens.id_token in
  (* Theoretically we're not sure we'll have a access_token... *)
  let access_token =
    Option.value ~default:"no access_token" tokens.access_token
  (* Same as access_token *)
  let refresh_token =
    Option.value ~default:"no refresh_token" tokens.refresh_token

  (* Save the values in session for later retrieval *)
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "id_token" id_token request in
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "access_token" access_token request in
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "refresh_token" refresh_token request in
  let () = HttpServer.put_session "userinfo" userinfo request in

  HttServer.respond id_token
| Error e -> HttpServer.respond @@ Oidc.Error.to_string e