ID Token validation and creation
type validation_error = [
| `Expired
| `Iat_in_future
| `Invalid_nonce
| `Invalid_signature
| `Invalid_sub_length
| `Missing_aud
| `Missing_exp
| `Missing_iat
| `Missing_iss
| `Missing_nonce
| `Missing_sub
| `Not_json
| `Not_supported
| `Msg of string
| `No_jwk_provided
| `Unexpected_nonce
| `Unsafe
| `Wrong_aud_value of string
| `Wrong_iss_value of string
Possible validation errors
val validation_error_to_string : validation_error -> string
val validate :
?clock_tolerance:int ->
?nonce:string ->
?jwk:'a Jose.Jwk.t ->
?now:Ptime.t ->
client:Client.t ->
issuer:Uri.t ->
Jose.Jwt.t ->
(Jose.Jwt.t, [> validation_error ]) Stdlib.result
Validation of the ID Token according to the spec.
is used to allow for a difference in clocks between the provider and client jwk
is not needed when "alg": "none"
Required fields
Fields to be validated if exists
Optional fields: