Module OidcClient.Static

Static client

type 'store t = {
kv : (module KeyValue.KV with type store = 'store and type value = string);
store : 'store;
client : Oidc.Client.t;
http_client : Piaf.Client.t;
provider_uri : Uri.t;
redirect_uri : Uri.t;

A OIDC Client


The following are things you might want to do when you start the server

val make : ?http_client:Piaf.Client.t -> kv:(module KeyValue.KV with type store = 'store and type value = string) -> store:'store -> redirect_uri:Uri.t -> provider_uri:Uri.t -> Oidc.Client.t -> ( 'store t, Piaf.Error.t ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Creates a t with the supplied store type

val discover : 'store t -> ( Oidc.Discover.t, Piaf.Error.t ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Get the provider discovery document

val get_jwks : 'store t -> ( Jose.Jwks.t, Piaf.Error.t ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Get JWKs from the provider

Authentication start

These functions are typically used when initiating the login.

You want to save nonce and state somewhere to use when the user returns and you validate the token. This is typically done via session storage.

val get_auth_parameters : ?scope:Oidc.Scopes.t list -> ?claims:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?nonce:string -> state:string -> 'store t -> Oidc.Parameters.t
val get_auth_uri : ?scope:Oidc.Scopes.t list -> ?claims:Yojson.Safe.t -> ?nonce:string -> state:string -> 'store t -> ( Uri.t, Piaf.Error.t ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Create a valid auth uri that can be used to redirect the user to the OIDC Provider

Authentication callback

These functions are used when the user returns to the RP with a code from the Provider.

val get_auth_result : ?nonce:string -> params:(string * string list) list -> state:string -> 'a t -> ( Oidc.Token.Response.t, Oidc.IDToken.validation_error ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val get_and_validate_id_token : ?nonce:string -> code:string -> 'store t -> ( Oidc.Token.Response.t, Oidc.IDToken.validation_error ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Get a token response from the token endpoint and validate the ID Token.

val get_token : code:string -> 'store t -> ( Oidc.Token.Response.t, Piaf.Error.t ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Get a token response from the token endpoint, consider using get_and_validate_id_token instead.

val get_userinfo : jwt:Jose.Jwt.t -> token:string -> 'a t -> ( string, [> `Missing_sub | `Msg of string | `Sub_missmatch ] ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Get the userinfo data with the access_token returned in the token response.