Module Cookie

type header = string * string

A standard header type used in many web frameworks like Httpaf and Cohttp

val header_of_string : string -> header option

parses "Cookie: foo=bar" into ("Cookie", "foo=bar")

type expires = [
| `Session
| `MaxAge of int64
| `Date of Ptime.t

expires describes when a cookie will expire.

  • `Session - nothing will be set
  • `MaxAge - Max-Age will be set with the number
  • `Date - Expires will be set with a date
type same_site = [
| `None
| `Strict
| `Lax

The cookie type is a tuple of (name, value)

type t = {
expires : expires;
scope : Uri.t;
same_site : same_site;
secure : bool;
http_only : bool;
value : string * string;
val make : ?⁠expires:expires -> ?⁠scope:Uri.t -> ?⁠same_site:same_site -> ?⁠secure:bool -> ?⁠http_only:bool -> cookie -> t

make creates a cookie, it will default to the following values:

val cookies_of_header : header -> cookie list
module Date : sig ... end