@ulrikstrid - Github, Twitter and Discord
DevOps @ Xenit AB Building OIDC providers and other fun stuff
We're hiring!
Open standard easy to integrate
Providers and Clients
Build your library
Setup e2e tests
Complete all tests
Send results
It should work with any implementation
(that follows the standard)
Needed more than they provided JWK is a important missing piece in both
I got tired of doing cookies ad-hoc
Test suite with 100 or so tests from IETF's http-state working group
A web framework
Grew out of me trying to build a OIDC Provider
Client instead of a Provider
Slightly easier (less state)
More usefull for others
Not as cool
(Well maintained) Httpaf fork
H2 - http2 implementation
Piaf - Superb http client (and server)
A lot of feedback and pushing
https://openid.net/ OpenID Foundation
https://github.com/ulrikstrid/ocaml-oidc OpenID Connect for OCaml and Reason
https://github.com/ulrikstrid/reason-jose JWT, JWE and JWK for native